Silver Fern Rally 2008 photos

Stage 26 - Chatton North

This was the next stage after the Hokonui on Day 5. Taken on Ridge Road, near the end of the stage, the corner with White Road was very fast, and the nearest good corner was a downhill right-hander over 500 yards away. The long shots were taken balancing the camera on a fence post to steady it from my shivering in a strong cold wind. I could have used a tripod and a monster lens.

The 'graininess' in some of the long shots was due, I think, to my attempt to use a super-high ISO setting to reduce shutter shake - probably unnecessary as the camera's OIS (Optical Image Stabilisation) seems to have minimised shutter shake anyway. I could try to pretend they have that 'news photo' look but I think I'd be kidding myself.

Thumbnails link to full-size photos. I've compressed them a bit (to around 800K each) to make them quicker to upload.
You're free to download any of these photos for your own use, including trimming, editing or digitally processing them. If you'd like the full-size file of any (at around 2MB each) just email me.

These were taken driving over the stage in reverse

Any queries arising from this, such as when or where something was taken, drop us a line at cr at orcon dot net dot nz