Silver Fern Rally 2008 photos
Stage 1 - Hilton
These were taken towards the end of the stage, at the junction of Spur Hut Road with McCully Road,
just beside the sealed Main Waitohi Road. A downhill straight into an acute left-hander. Apologies
to cars 32 and 24, you were just too fast for me!
Thumbnails link to full-size photos. I've compressed them a bit (to around 800K each) to make them
quicker to upload. In a couple of cases where dust from the previous car was still drifting around
the camera, 'greying out' the shot, I've digitally tweaked the photos to reduce it - as in the shot of
the white Escort, the sixth one down there. An 'a' suffix on the filename means I've done this.
You're free to download any of these photos for your own use, including trimming, editing or digitally
processing them. If you'd like the full-size file of any (at around 2MB each) just email me.
'Digital dust removal'
Any queries arising from this, such as when or where something was taken, drop us a line at