Silver Fern Rally 2008 photos
Stage 40 - Four Peaks
This was at the corner of Wooding Road and Mees Road. A 350-yard straight into an acute left
tee junction, with loose gravel on the corner. The results were quite spectacular at times.
There was a lot of dust - where it got too thick I've tried tweaking the shot with 'GIMP'
(an excellent open source / freeware image editor), with better results in some cases than others.
I've included thumbnails of both the original and tweaked versions here, however I've only bothered to
upload full-size copies of the tweaked versions. A suffix 'a' on the photo number indicates I've
tweaked it. If anyone would like a copy of the original to see
if they can filter out the dust better, they're welcome, email me. And to the black Mazda: Sorry for
the quality, the dust was so bad, it was the best I can do.
Thumbnails link to full-size photos. I've compressed them a bit (to around 800K each) to make them
quicker to upload.
You're free to download any of these photos for your own use, including trimming, editing or digitally
processing them. If you'd like the full-size file of any (at around 2MB each) just email me.
Any queries arising from this, such as when or where something was taken, drop us a line at